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AHL (Arshad Herbal Laboratories) is R&D based, innovation-driven, vertically integrated concern, established with a prime goal of Processing & value addition of raw medicinal plants (marine and Land) to develop and manufacture high quality pharmacologically Active, Bio-Available and standardized active ingredients with authentic efficacy to play a posiitve role in health care.


AHL is a truly R&D based organization with phytochemists, pharmacists, doctors, agricultural experts, and qualified herbalists working for the same goal of developing BioActive, Bioavailable ingredients and food products, are sourced by the latest research carried out internationally and nationally in the field of herbal medicine, conventional and modern medicine, phytochemistry, phytochemical processing, biotechnology  & food technology. We have valuable expertise in Value addition of raw materials, Vertical integration, extraction, concentration, process development, formulation development, dossier development and regulatory support.

Hot Products

Moringa Extracts

Seabukthorn extract

Licorice extracts